What is Penetration Testing?

Penetration testing, a vital cybersecurity measure, involves certified ethical hackers simulating real-world cyber threats to uncover vulnerabilities in your systems. By proactively assessing and fortifying your defences, we mitigate risks such as unauthorised access, data theft, and ransomware.

Our experienced CREST penetration testers use both automated tools and manual testing to increase the detection of vulnerabilities, ensuring a robust security posture.
Our reports offer clear, actionable content, aiding  issue remediation and justifying cybersecurity investments.

What is Penetration Testing?

Penetration testing, a vital cybersecurity measure, involves certified ethical hackers simulating real-world cyber threats to uncover vulnerabilities in your systems. By proactively assessing and fortifying your defences, we mitigate risks such as unauthorised access, data theft, and ransomware.

Our experienced CREST penetration testers use both automated tools and manual testing to increase the detection of vulnerabilities, ensuring a robust security posture.
Our reports offer clear, actionable content, aiding  issue remediation and justifying cybersecurity investments.

How are we different?

At Precursor Security, we're your cybersecurity ally, offering a unique approach to penetration testing. Our dedicated team delivers unmatched insights and proactive solutions, ensuring precise and effective safeguarding of your digital assets.

CREST Accredited

Precursor is CREST-accredited, ensuring our test team comprises highly qualified and industry-proven experts with CREST certification.

Results via Online Portal

Our portal provides live updates as our team uncovers findings. You can request retests mid-process and engage in direct communication with our testers and your development teams.

We Always Add Value

As well as receiving your results by our state of the art portal, if you work with us you may be eligible for 10% off your Cyber Insurance policies through our partners.

How is Precursor different?

At Precursor Security, we're your cybersecurity ally, offering a unique approach to penetration testing. Our dedicated team delivers unmatched insights and proactive solutions, ensuring precise and effective safeguarding of your digital assets.

CREST Accredited

Precursor is CREST-accredited, ensuring our test team comprises highly qualified and industry-proven experts with CREST certification.

Results via Online Portal

Our portal provides live updates as our team uncovers findings. You can request retests mid-process and engage in direct communication with our testers and your development teams.

We Always Add Value

As well as receiving your results by our state of the art portal, if you work with us you may be eligible for 10% off your Cyber Insurance policies through our partners.

Check out our online portal

Gone are the days of waiting 10 days for a PDF report. With the evolution of development and deployment practices, penetration testing needs to keep pace. Short release cycles and rapid changes mean clients can't afford to wait for a lengthy report.

Our solution? An online portal that delivers test results in real-time, providing immediate visibility and assistance for quicker issue resolution and reduced risk exposure.

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How are we different?

Our Penetration Testing Process is certified annually by CREST and contains five key steps to identify security vulnerabilities and secure your business.

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Working collaboratively with you, Precursor will gain an understanding of your requirements, concerns, and the assets within the scope before initiating the testing process.

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We will provide you and your team with access to our vulnerability management platform which will be used to communicate findings in near real-time.

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Active delivery of testing whereby Precursor Security experts will conduct simulated attacks against your systems and deliver findings via the portal.

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Managment Summary

Following testing, our team will provide a Management Summary which can be used to inform key stakeholders of your security posture.

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A post-engagement call with the tester allows your team to clarify findings, receive ongoing support, and ensure effective vulnerability remediation.

Check out our online portal.

The era of waiting ten days for an automated PDF report is over. In the realm of dynamic development and deployment practices, penetration testing must evolve accordingly.

Our approach? We craft detailed reports based on our findings, ensuring accuracy and relevance. Through our online portal, clients gain real-time access to these reports and findings, enabling instant visibility and support for expedited issue resolution and minimised risk exposure.

Our Process

Our Penetration Testing Process is certified annually by CREST and contains five key steps to identify security vulnerabilities and secure your business.

Benefits of Penetration Testing

Penetration testing not only shields against cyber threats but also builds confidence, protects your reputation, and contributes to continual cybersecurity improvement.

Beyond cybersecurity, penetration testing safeguards your staff, customers, and business. By identifying vulnerabilities and security gaps, we ensure operational safety.

Types of Penetration Testing

What is Web Application Testing?

Web Application Penetration Testing is the process of identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities in traditional web applications. Attackers frequently target websites to access sensitive and personal user information (PII), perform website defacement or cause disruption/denial of service.

Importance of Web Application Testing

Web application testing is vital for security, helping identify and fix vulnerabilities to prevent unauthorised access and data breaches. It ensures a reliable and high-performance user experience while also aiding compliance with industry regulations. Regular testing is essential for maintaining trust, protecting sensitive data, and upholding an organisation's reputation.

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What is Internal Network Testing?

Internal network penetration testing involves ethical hackers assessing an organisation's internal network for vulnerabilities and weaknesses. Examples of threats within the network that may be examined include unauthorised access to sensitive data, exploitation of misconfigurations in servers or network devices, and potential insider threats attempting to compromise the integrity and confidentiality of critical assets.

Importance of Internal Network Testing

Internal network penetration testing is crucial in identifying vulnerabilities and mitigating potential threats originating from within, thereby minimising the risk of data breaches and financial losses. By proactively addressing security risks, organisations can enhance the resilience of their internal networks and protect against the rising cyber threats that could compromise their valuable assets.

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What is External Network Penetration Testing?

External security assessments focus on the security of your public-facing and internet accessible systems and services beyond websites. These systems present access points into your internal network. Ensuring their protection from the latest threats is therefore critically important to overall organisational security.

Importance of External Network Testing

External Infrastructure is subject to daily automated and manual attacks, targeting all services which are configured to be publicly accessible. Remote authentication services are subject to brute force password guessing attacks and unpatched systems are regularly compromised.

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What is API Penetration Testing?

An Application Programming Interface (API) Assessment reviews your public facing APIs to identify vulnerabilities which can be used by an attacker over the internet. API interfaces make it simple to access content and functions. This ease of access also provides a convenient interface for malicious attackers.

Importance of API  Testing

API penetration testing is crucial for ensuring the security of web applications by identifying and addressing vulnerabilities in the interfaces that enable communication between different software systems, safeguarding against potential cyber threats and data breaches.

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What is Remote Access Penetration Testing?

A Remote Access Assessment evaluates the security of the systems which your organisation uses to provide your staff members with the remote access they need to conduct their day to day activities when outside of the office.

Importance of Remote Access Testing

Remote Access solutions are often targeted by automated tools and malicious attackers seeking to acquire access to systems, services and sensitive data. Remote access solutions are frequently used in ransomware attacks. Attackers will often generate a likely list of usernames for these remote services and target the weakest configured passwords for your users. This initial access can be used to further attack your organisations network and begin targeting internal resources and services.

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What is a Phishing Assessment?

A phishing assessment is where malicious emails are sent to members of staff within an organisation. The aim is to attempt to coerce staff members to follow provided links, open file attachments or provide access to sensitive information or systems.

Importance of Phishing Assessments

Phishing and pretexting represent 98% of social incidents and 93% of breaches. In the past year, phishing was a primary factor in 30% of Ransomware attacks. With email forming a core requirement in an organisations ability to operate, understanding your users susceptibility to sophisticated phishing attacks is required.

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What is Wireless Penetration Testing?

Wireless security testing is the process of identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities within wireless networks used by your organisation. A successful attack allows an attacker access to your internal network leading to the exposure of sensitive information or direct access to business critical devices.

Importance of Wireless Penetration Testing

Wireless networks are often compromised, not through targeted and determined attacks, but as a crime of opportunity. Weak encryption standards, insecurely configured network segmentation or individual devices connected to multiple networks are a number of ways in which a wireless network can present a security risk to your organisation.

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What is a Social Engineering Assessment?

A social engineering assessment in penetration testing involves evaluating an organisation's susceptibility to manipulation and deception by simulating various tactics used by malicious actors. This includes testing employees' response to phishing emails, phone calls, or other methods aimed at tricking them into divulging sensitive information or performing actions that could compromise security.

Importance of Social Engineering Assessments

All of the defensive measures that are taken to protect your company assets may be thwarted by an individual who can simply walk into your building. Securing your physical premises, ensuring staff are well trained and know how to respond to an unknown individual should therefore be an important consideration for any organisation when considering their security policies and procedures.

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Benefits of Penetration Testing

Penetration testing portal metric examples

Beyond cybersecurity, penetration testing safeguards your staff, customers, and business. By identifying vulnerabilities and security gaps, we ensure operational safety.

Risk Mitigation: Proactively address security risks, minimising unauthorised access, data breaches, and cyber threats.
Compliance Assurance: Regular tests ensure compliance with industry standards, meeting essential cybersecurity requirements.
Enhanced Security Awareness: Foster a culture of cybersecurity by raising awareness about best practices and potential risks.

Penetration testing not only shields against cyber threats but also builds confidence, protects your reputation, and contributes to continual cybersecurity improvement.

Why choose us?

Choose Precursor Security for penetration testing excellence—where industry-leading expertise, CREST accreditation, and a client-focused approach converge to fortify your digital defences with precision and reliability.

See how we can help your business with Penetration Testing...

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